Ms. Small's World... of Music
*Make sure to check your Google Classroom (K-5) or Canvas (6-8) for regular updates and assignments.
This is ME! ... Watch the videos!
General Music (K-5) @ Cordes
This week you will need to:
1. Get connected with our Music Google Classroom using the code provided in my welcome email. Your classroom teacher also has a copy of the code.
2. Send me a "Hello" message and share with me your favorite thing about Music or what you looking forward to in Music this year.
3. Come meet me on Friday, August 21st during my Virtual Open House at 9:00am-10:00am. I can't wait to meet you!
General Music (2nd) @ Lammersville
This week you will need to:
1. Log-in to our Music Google Classroom using the code for second grade. That code was in the welcome email sent to you.
2. Come to our Zoom classroom on Friday (Aug. 21) for our Meet and Greet. The zoom link was also in the email that was sent. I will have the zoom link posted in our Music Google Classroom as well.
Band (6-8) @ Cordes
Recruitment week begins! There will be information on enrolling in the class, borrowing an instrument, materials, etc all coming out this week. Check out the video!
Choir (6-8) @ Cordes
Recruitment week begins! There will be information on enrolling in the class, materials, etc all coming out this week. Check out the video!
Band (6-8) @ Lammersville
Recruitment week begins! There will be information on enrolling in the class, borrowing an instrument, materials, etc all coming out this week. Check out the video!
Choir (6-8) @ Lammersville
Recruitment week begins! There will be information on enrolling in the class, materials, etc all coming out this week. Check out the video!
Ms. Small's Music Schedule
Quaver Music Log-in Help
SmartMusic Log-in Help
LUSD Tech Support
LUSD Enrichment Resources